Montag, 28. Juni 2010

Romanian National Theatre Festival 2010

Dear Friends,

We have the pleasure to invite you to the 20th edition of the Romanian National Theatre Festival which will take place between 30th of October and 7th of November.

In 2010, RNTF will present the third “Romanian Showcase” - a nine-day presentation of the best Romanian theatre productions of the 2009/2010 season - in collaboration with the Romanian Cultural Institute which promotes intercultural dialogue through its network of institutes abroad by disseminating cultural information and integrating Romanian cultural values within the European and international circuit.

An exquisite selection of the best Romanian productions signed by famous Romanian directors and by new names ready to enter the international theatre scene is completed this year with a range of foreign guests – in conferences, projections, book launchings and widely acclaimed theatre productions. This November Bucharest will become the stage for a celebration: the 20th edition of the most important theatrical event in Romania. Don’t miss it!

For interested journalists who provide a contribution project (for the written and/ or audiovisual media) , the festival will provide free tickets for the productions they wish to attend, and the Romanian Cultural Institute will support the accommodation and daily meal allowance for five days at your choose.

The selection and the detailed programme will follow shortly. For further inquiries, do not hesitate to contact us. And keep a place in your agenda for a visit to Bucharest!

Best regards,

Artistic Director RNTF


Aura Gaidarji
Romanian Showcase Manager
Romanian National Theatre Festival UNITER

2-4 George Enescu Street
010305 Bucharest, Romania

Tel: 004021 3153636, Fax: 004021 3120913


Dienstag, 22. Juni 2010


ICR Viena în colaborare cu Museumsquartier din Viena lansează concursul de proiecte pentru festivalul de film FRAMEOUT 2011 (animaţie, scurtmetraje, lungmetraje, documentare). Festivalul este programat în cadrul seriei de evenimente dedicate jubileului de 10 ani de la inaugurarea Museumsquartier şi se va desfăşura în aer liber, în incinta MQ, unul dintre primele 10 arealuri culturale ca mărime din lume.

Preselecţia va fi operată de ICR Viena, iar selecţia finală revine curatorilor austrieci.
Detalii despre festival şi concursul de proiecte sunt postate şi pe, iar propunerile vor fi transmise pe adresa, până pe data de 28 iunie, ora 20.00 şi trebuie să conţină: sinopsis şi CV- ul autorului în limba engleză, precum şi un trailer de minimum 3 minute (în cazul unor fişiere mai mari, trebuie indicată o platformă unde pot fi accesate).

Das Rumänische Kulturinstitut Wien ruft in Zusammenarbeit mit dem MuseumsQuartier zur Einsendung von Beiträgen für das Filmfestival FRAMEOUT 2011 auf (Kurzfilme, Animation, Spielfilme, Dokus). Das Festival ist Teil der Veanstaltungsreihe zum 10-jährigen Jubiläum des MuseumsQuartiers, eines der zehn flächenmäßig größten Kulturareale weltweit.

Die Vorauswahl trifft das RKI, die Endauswahl übernehmen die österreichischen Kuratoren.

Details zum Festival und der Teilnahme finden Sie auch unter Eingesandte Beiträge müssen bis zum 28. Juni, 20.00 Uhr, an die Adresse geschickt werden und Folgendes beinhalten: Filmsynopsis, Lebenslauf des/ der AutorInnen in Englisch und einen mindestens 3-minütigen Trailer (je nach Dateigröße evtl. durch einschlägige Webdienste)